Ardrossan Community Hostel Reviews, Photos & Availability | Caring Co
Australia > South Australia

Ardrossan Community Hostel

· 37 Fifth Street Ardrossan 5571 Sa

Residential aged care at Ardrossan Community Hostel in Ardrossan, South Australia

  • Permanent
  • Dementia
  • About our home

    • Organised activities

    Top Rated Home in Ardrossan

    One of the top homes in Ardrossan according to residents and Government service audits.

    Overall Score
    Staffing Minutes
    3 Year Accreditation

    Ardrossan Community Hostel Reviews

    8.5· Recommended by 92% residents



    The Residents Experience rating shows what current residents at Ardrossan Community Hostel think of the food, staff, care and more. These ratings are from the 2024 Aged Care Quality Commission Survey.

    John Pointon
    John Pointon
     · 28/08/2017

    This is a review that I am very willing and happy to give. As a family we were unexpectedly hit in the face, with serious health issues with both our mother and father on the same day. As we as a family are living in Adelaide , dealing with everything at once was very overwhelming and stressful but it would have been even worse if we did not have the help and support of the wonderful staff of the Ardrossan Hospital. Jody and her team made our lives bearable and offered advice and assistance when and where it was needed. Nothing was too much trouble and if we did not have this wonderful team of professionals there to help us out I know we would have drowned under the weight of the situation. I and my family will never be able to express completely how valuable it is to have these community hospitals open and well funded so they can continue to offer assistance and compassion to families like ours at their most vulnerable times. Remember we can plan for the future but you never know what is around the corner, and we thank goodness for us, it was the Ardrossan Hospital family. Thank you again the Markham Family

    Rooms & Pricing

    Concessional residents welcome

    Ardrossan Community Hostel supports eligible government funded residents with subsidised fees.

    Instead of paying a RAD you can choose to pay a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) which is a non-refundable daily fee, based on the room price and the maximum permissable interest rate set by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

    Room Type
    Single Room + Private Ensuite and Single Room with shared EnsuiteSingle room + ensuite
    $92.27 Daily
    Room 2Shared room + shared bathroom
    $80.74 Daily

    About the Staff

    171 mins
    All Care Staff
    57 mins
    Registered Nurse

    Residents at Ardrossan Community Hostel on average received 171 minutes of total daily care (91% target) from a combination of support workers, enrolled and registered nurses. In February 2025, a Registered Nurse was on site 24:00 hours per day.

    Things to know

    About the operator

    • Operated by Ardrossan Community Hospital Incorporated
    • Not for profit business
    • Is Commonwealth government subsidised
    • ABN: 17142913461

    Safety Checks

    • Certification valid
    • Has not received notice of sanction
    • Is accredited


    37 Fifth Street Ardrossan 5571 Sa


    What is the ACQSC star rating of Ardrossan Community Hostel?

    This home has an overall ACQSC star rating of Good.

    What is the price range of residential aged care at Ardrossan Community Hostel?

    Ardrossan Community Hostel has 2 different types of rooms which range in price between $350,000 and $400,000 maximum refundable accommodation deposit.

    Updated: 15 March 2025