Orana Gardens Lodge Reviews, Photos & Availability | Caring Co
Australia > New South Wales > Dubbo

Orana Gardens Lodge

· 2 Charles Crescent Dubbo 2830 NSW

Residential aged care at Orana Gardens Lodge in Dubbo, New South Wales

  • Permanent
  • Respite
  • Dementia
  • About our home

    • Gardens
    • Outdoor courtyard
    • Nearby shops

    Top Rated Home in Dubbo

    One of the top homes in Dubbo according to residents and Government service audits.

    Overall Score
    Staffing Minutes
    3 Year Accreditation

    Orana Gardens Lodge Reviews

    8.9· Recommended by 94% residents



    The Residents Experience rating shows what current residents at Orana Gardens Lodge think of the food, staff, care and more. These ratings are from the 2024 Aged Care Quality Commission Survey.

    Robert Pepper
    Robert Pepper
     · 30/11/2022

    Looks good on first viewing.

    Andrea Pridgeon
    Andrea Pridgeon
     · 29/01/2022

    Had a lovely visit with my dad even if we had to meet outdoors and it was raining. They have a lovely covered in gardening area with comfortable outdoor chairs.

    Annette Wiseman
    Annette Wiseman
     · 26/10/2021

    I had my father in there for 2years he walked in there and now can't walk the neglect in care and given him addictive drug's to sedate him so there didn't have ro do anything with him except put him in a hoist to move him around they didn't do any physio on him like they were told to and didn't get him up to move his body so that's why ive have now got my dad back in my care thanks for the neglect

    Barry James
    Barry James
     · 12/05/2018

    My Mum was a Resident at Orana Gardens in 2015 and now I visit another Relative and I have found the Staff to be Excellent who care like the Residents and Visitors are one Big Happy Family

    Cassandra Cox
    Cassandra Cox
     · 06/01/2018

    The staff here do not care for your family members. All patients have bed sores as they are not helped to turn regularly. They have used all of their recent funding on new furniture rather than the necessary equipment such as lifters for imobile patients. Even if your relative is continent, they will be left unable to get them self to the bathroom so they soil themselves. Do not send anyone here that you care about.

    Rooms & Pricing

    No Accommodation fee for respite

    You will only pay the Basic daily fee and may pay an additional services fee.

    Concessional residents welcome

    Orana Gardens Lodge supports eligible government funded residents with subsidised fees.

    Instead of paying a RAD you can choose to pay a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) which is a non-refundable daily fee, based on the room price and the maximum permissable interest rate set by the Department of Health and Aged Care.

    Room Type
    Room Type 2 John Whittle HouseSingle room + ensuite
    $103.81 Daily
    Type 4 LodgeSingle room + ensuite
    $103.81 Daily
    Room Type 3 Special Care UnitSingle room + ensuite
    $103.81 Daily
    Couples retreatShared room + ensuite
    $63.44 Daily
    Room Type 1 John Whittle House - DoubleShared room + shared bathroom
    $57.67 Daily

    About the Staff

    221 mins
    All Care Staff
    41 mins
    Registered Nurse

    Residents at Orana Gardens Lodge on average received 221 minutes of total daily care (108% target) from a combination of support workers, enrolled and registered nurses. In February 2025, a Registered Nurse was on site null hours per day.

    Things to know

    About the operator

    • Operated by Orana Gardens Ltd
    • Is Commonwealth government subsidised
    • ABN: 98081776687

    Safety Checks

    • Certification valid
    • Has not received notice of sanction
    • Is accredited


    2 Charles Crescent Dubbo 2830 NSW


    What is the ACQSC star rating of Orana Gardens Lodge?

    This home has an overall ACQSC star rating of Good.

    What is the price range of residential aged care at Orana Gardens Lodge?

    Orana Gardens Lodge has 5 different types of rooms which range in price between $250,000 and $450,000 maximum refundable accommodation deposit.

    Updated: 22 March 2025