Prins Willem Alexander Lodge is an aged care facility featuring 182 beds, including 7 respite places. The lodge offers a variety of activities such as scenic drives, craft clubs, and concerts. It provides meals based on a four-week rotating menu adhering to Federal Government dietary guidelines, with input from a dietitian and food service managers. Special dietary requests are accommodated.
The facility includes dedicated areas for elders with Dementia or those needing palliative care. Amenities such as a swimming pool, gymnasium, café, shop, hairdresser, and pop-up shops are available. The complex is organised into sections with approximately 30 beds each to foster a community atmosphere. Additionally, the lodge collaborates with the Latin American Community of Australia to support Spanish speaking residents.
Top Rated Home in Birkdale
One of the top homes in Birkdale according to residents and Government service audits.
The Residents Experience rating shows what current residents at Prins Willem Alexander Lodge think of the food, staff, care and more. These ratings are from the 2024 Aged Care Quality Commission Survey.
Thank you always for the local support!
Not only is this an amazing place to work at but our elders are well looked after in every aspect of their care
We feel blessed to have Mum staying in PWA. The staff are caring, encouraging and supportive in their interactions with residents. Very thankful to have such a wonderful facility in the Redlands.
Dear Admin with all the negative publicity about Aged Care in the media at present I would just like you to know that my family and I are more than happy with the care that our Mum( Doreen Askew )receives at Prins Willem Alexander Village Birkdale. She never stops talking about how wonderful the staff are and how good the food is. Her environment is very conducive to a happy time in her late years. Thank you so much. Regards Sue Walford
My mother spent several months in the dementure ward.the food was below average...i could not eat it myself... She broke her wrist on Friday and was not taken to hospital till Sunday...when they told us she fell 2 days earlier. I asked to see the incident report and was refused to see it after being asked why I want to see it.. Mum was in a shared room and staff came in the middle of night to nurse other lady waking mum every night...was refused a empty single room and the broken wrist was enough for us and we took her out of there care
About the operator
Safety Checks
What is the ACQSC star rating of Prins Willem Alexander Lodge?
This home has an overall ACQSC star rating of Good.
What is the price range of residential aged care at Prins Willem Alexander Lodge?
Prins Willem Alexander Lodge has 5 different types of rooms which range in price between $500,000 and $700,000 maximum refundable accommodation deposit.
Updated: 22 March 2025